We are choosing Steam generator Generally, the price, operation and performance are considered. Oil fired gas steam generator The manufacturer tells you that since there are many types of steam generators Steam generator equipment There will be differences in performance and steam effect. Common in life are Gas steam generator and Electrically heated steam generator More common. Take the oil fired gas steam generator as an example.
There is no doubt that the selection of steam generators and cost operation calculation are relatively simple. In addition, most of them can also apply the formula. If you don't know, you can also make an assessment based on relevant experience.
But the calculation of the steam generator is a little more complicated. Because unless the customer knows how much evaporation capacity steam generator he actually needs, you can directly supply it to him, which is very convenient. However, one premise is that even the customer himself does not know a general idea, so the corresponding model selection calculation needs to be checked on the spot to get an idea. Otherwise, it is hard for him to make a judgment just by listening to his general idea. However, the consumption of steam generator can also be converted into steam generator for calculation.
fuel Gas steam generator manufacturer It reminds you that the principle followed here is that "the calorific value of 1t evaporation capacity is equivalent to 600000 kcal steam generator". Therefore, to determine the amount of evaporation required by the customer, first understand the power of the equipment that the customer needs to use steam, and then convert the total power of all equipment into large calories. According to that principle, we can calculate the amount of steam required by these equipment. The corresponding operating cost can also be obtained completely according to the calculation method of steam generator mentioned above.