Gas steam generator It is a mechanical equipment that uses the heat energy of fuel or other energy sources to heat water into hot water or steam. The volume must be<30L, and the volume ≥ 30L belongs to the scope of boilers in the Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment Steam generator Most of the volumes are less than 30L, so they are not supervised by the technical supervision department, which saves installation and use costs, so they are widely used. And in Gas steam generator manufacturer In your daily use, in order to maintain the safe operation of the gas steam generator, extend the service life of the steam generator, reduce consumption, save energy, and make the water quality in the steam generator meet the specified standards, it is important to blow down the steam generator.
On the one hand, the sewage discharge is to remove the rust slag and the calcium and magnesium flocculent precipitates that have not been desalted completely. It can reduce the adhesion degree on the boiler wall and improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler.
On the other hand, part of the salt dissolved in the boiler water is discharged to maintain the salt content and alkalinity of the boiler water. This kind of blowdown is continuously discharged from the evaporating surface with high salt concentration in the boiler water, also known as surface blowdown. During the operation of the steam generator, since the steam does not contain salt after the boiler water evaporates, various impurities in the boiler water will be continuously separated. If the residual scale, sludge and other harmful substances are not removed in time, the water quality of the boiler water will be controlled within the allowable range, Keep the water side of the heating surface clean and accumulate over time, which not only wastes fuel, but also causes the metal on the heating surface to overheat, or even burn out. In order to avoid the occurrence of bubbles in the boiler water, causing gas and water to rise together, reducing the corrosion of the boiler water on the drum wall, reducing the alkalinity, chloride, suspended solids and other concentrations on the surface of the boiler water, and improving the steam quality, it is necessary to blow down the steam boiler.
Gas steam generator plant Henan Yuji Boiler Vessel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of various types of steam generators, with many years of industry experience, welcome to inquire!