Steam generator In the use of, attention should be paid to its standardized operation to avoid improper operation affecting the operation of the equipment. The operation of this equipment is not complicated, but the aging of advantageous components or other uncontrollable factors lead to problems, such as longer water adding time, shorter heating time, which affects the production efficiency of the equipment, What are the reasons for the slow heating time of the steam generator? today, Industry Gas steam generator manufacturer Let's have a look!
1. If the heating power of the electric boiler is small, the heating speed is slow, but it must match the appropriate power, otherwise the heat treatment will continue, causing continuous work and wasting energy.
2. It is related to the ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature is very low, the heating time will be long. Therefore, on the sunny side, the sunny side can be used to reduce the temperature of the electric boiler and obtain comfort. Heating temperature.
3.1. This is related to the size of the room. When the building area is too large, the heating temperature will decrease. If heating is started, there is no stop phenomenon, which proves that the power of electric boiler is not selected.
4. It is related to the quality of the equipment itself. Industry Gas steam generator plant Family said that although the heating principle of electric boiler is mainly divided into two types, the quality of components will make the heating speed greatly different. An obvious example is the IGBT module. In use, if it is a low-quality IGBT module, the current conversion will have a relatively large loss, and the natural heating time will be relatively long.
The longer water filling time of the steam generator may be caused by different reasons. In this case, we should find out the cause of the fault before repair, so that we can solve the problem in a targeted way to avoid damage to other parts of the equipment.
The above is the reason why the steam generator heating is slow summarized for us, Industry Gas steam generator manufactor I believe we will have some understanding after reading!